Where are we going with this?!

Where are we going with this?!

March 09, 2018 2 Comments

Where are we going with this? This is definitely not an easy blog to write...mainly because I don’t know the answer. I know what I’m praying for and I know what I’m preparing for and I know what I’m hoping for....but I don’t clearly know what is going to happen. So let’s start with our prayers, hopes and preparation.

We are praying for this endeavor to reach others and bond our family. We pray that consumers will learn more about energy poverty and how they can help.
We pray that by teaching our children what it is to start something from the ground up, work hard at it and work together, they will develop a sense of strong work ethic. We pray that we are good role models for our children so they will also dream and achieve goals. Most importantly we pray that this is where we are supposed to be, doing what we can to shine the light that God has put inside of us so that we may bring others closer to Him.

What I am hopeful for is that this is a SUCCESS!! I mean no one really wants to put time and energy into a project and have it fail! And so far, so good! The candle company is really taking off and we are able to keep up with production. It is my dream that our company will take on more than we could have ever imagined....but that’s every entrepreneur’s dream right! 💁‍♀️

So, how have we prepared for our dreams and what’s to come? Well....we are constantly listening to those around us and taking in all of the advice that is given. We have attended markets, hired reps, implemented marketing strategies and stocked up on our materials needed for production. We are currently in 19 stores, located in 7 states (just shy of all 50 😄). We are prepared to grow!! And with that being said we continue to pray.....

So back to the question.....where are we going with this?
Forward and Up!
As a wise friend of mine would say...”Forward and Up should be your only option, if you consider other options, those might come true instead.” ~Bradley Robertson

We will continue to move forward and only look up!
Much Love!

PS- Bradley has a great movement going on. Click here to read more: Forward and Up. She inspires me and others daily!


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September 23, 2020



September 23, 2020


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